Playa de aiguadolç Tranquil·la, familiar i amb una ubicació estratègica a la banda del port d'Aiguadolç, aquesta platja és una aposta segura. Accessible a peu des del centre urbà, però situada en un extrem de la ciutat, té el valor afegit de trobar-se en un entorn natural que li confereix personalitat i la protegeix de vent.

Aiguadolç Beach

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The name of the beach can be translated as “freshwater beach”, which gives an idea of its atmosphere. It’s located just behind the port of Sitges and, as on Balmins beach, the surrounding hills give it a unique and picturesque beauty. It’s a family beach with all normal services: lifeguard, access ramps, beach bars, umbrellas, hammocks, pedal-boats, parking, and with all the services of the port nearby. It’s usually busy in summer, but not stressful or uncomfortable, at 145 m (159 yd) long by 20 m (22 yd) wide. Its La Marina beach bar is a must for a summer dinner. ISO 14001, EMAS, Biosphere certificate.